Win a live grenade at a Slot Machine. (1) In Sanctuary, once you meet Moxxi as part of the story, you will be able to use her slot machines to win cash and loot.

Moxxi Slot Machine Glitch
**** You need to Read to get this to work! ****
The other day I showed you the video where I got the orange weapons. Well here is the video on how to do it. It is a real simple tutorial so hopefully you can follow.
Cheat Engine Download:
.CT File:
.CT file (alternative):
0 - 6711 = White Weapon X-X-Head
6712 - 11745 = Green Weapon 3 x Cherries
11746 - 12249 = Blue Weapon 3 x Legs
12250 - 12299 = Purple/Pink Weapon 3 x Marcus
12300 - 12305 = Orange Weapon 3 x Vault (Jackpot)
12306 - 13143 = 3 x Eridium
13144 - 13395 = 3 x Double Eridium
13396 - 13470 = 3 x Triple Eridium (Jackpot)
13471 - 21860 = Money (Random amount)
21861 - 24377 = Boom 3 x Head
24378 - 26055 = Skin 777
26056 - 32767 = Nothing
32768 - XXXXX = Break (Reload area to fix)
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