Learn all about the vending machines in Borderlands 3 here. This includes the different types, what they sell, locations, currency, and more!
- Moxxi Slot Machine Bl3 Build
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- Moxxi Slot Machine
So with word circulating of a Borderlands 3 slot machine cheat, it’s only natural that you’d want to learn whether it truly is possible to tip the odds in your favour and glitch the payouts.
Table of Contents
Check Out the Beginner's Guide HereWhat are Vending Machines?
Buy & Sell Items from Vending Machines
Vending Machines act as shops or traders in Borderlands 3 where you can sell and purchase items. You can find them in multiple locations in the game.
Check Out How to Farm for Money HereSells Different Item Types
Each Vending Machine sells particular products types. For example, you can only buy healing items from Medical Vending Machines and ammo from Ammunitions Vending Machines.
Requires Money & Other Currencies
Vending Machines only accept specific currencies. Products being sold will have the price in the currency it accepts.
Moxxi Slot Machine Bl3 Build
Buy Back Sold Products
If you accidentally sold an item, don't worry because Vending Machines will allow you to buy back your items for the same price. However, sold products will be gone once you exit the Vending Machine.
Purchased Items are Sold at a Fraction
What you have to be really careful about is buying items from the Vending Machines. They'll only be sold at a fraction of the price of when you bought it.
Features an Item for the Day
Item for the Day are limited-time items sold within a time limit. They're often of higher quality than the rest on the Vending Machine so watch out for them.
Legendary Items can be Sold
On some rare chances, Legendary Items can be sold as the Item of the Day. These will cost a lot more money so you might need to farm for them.
Check Out the Legendary Items List HereAll Vending Machine Types
Weapon Vending Machine
Products | All Weapons Types |
Currency | Money |
Weapon Ammunition Vending Machines are your go to for buying new weapons! They carry all weapon types and weapon manufacturers.
Ammunition Vending Machine

Products | Ammo Grenade Mods |
Currency | Money |
From Pistol ammo to Rocket Launcher ammo, Ammunition Vending Machines are your one-stop shop for ammo! It also sells a number of Grenade Mods at a time.
Medical Vending Machine
Products | Healing Items Shields Class Mods |
Currency | Money |
Dr. Zed's Medical Vending Machines carry healing items along with a few equipments. Shields and Class Mods are exclusively sold here.
Veteran Rewards Vending Machine
Products | Anointed Weapons Cosmetic Items |
Currency | Eridium |

Crazy Earl's special Veteran Rewards Vending Machine only accepts Eridium in exchange for its products. It's the only place where you buy Anointed Weapons and cosmetic items!
Check Out How to Farm Eridium HereOnly Found in Sanctuary III

Unlike other vending machines that are littered across the map, there is only one Crazy Earl's Veteran Rewards Vending Machine and its in Sanctuary III. You can find it next to Crazy Earl's room.
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Bl3 Moxxi Tip Rewards
Useful Information
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The mother of all cash-farming tricks has landed in Borderlands 3, and anyone that’s finished the game can benefit from massive payouts to Moxxi’s Slot Machines in Sanctuary. This trick essentially multiples the amount of cash you earn from the slot machines by a thousand.
There’s a few things you need to do first, but it’s really very easy — and I recommend doing it quick before the trick gets patched out of existence. This method was shared by Youtuber Glitching Queen. All kudos for this discovery go to her — she did all the math. All I see are huge money symbols in my eyes as I rake in the seemingly endless dough.
More Borderlands 3 guides:
Moxxi’s Bar Slot Machines | Fast Money Trick
To increase the payouts at Moxxi’s Bar, you’ll need to do a little preparation. Spawn in Sanctuary, then go to the Mayhem Board — this trick requires some Mayhem, it may even require Mayhem 3. Turn on Mayhem III.
Don’t worry, you don’t actually have to fight anything. It also helps if you’re Level 50 — you’ll get bigger payouts the higher your levels. Also, make sure you’re doing this offline.
Bl3 Moxxi Weapons
So, to reiterate, you need to be offline, and you need to activate Mayhem III. It might work while online, so it’s worth testing — some players say it still works, but I can only get it to work offline.
Next, you just need to travel to a new location. Go anywhere on any map — I travel to the Floodmoor Basin on Eden-6, but anywhere works. When you return to Sanctuary, all the money payouts at the slot machines are $1,000x bigger. That’s three more zeroes to every payout.
To really make big money, you need to keep playing until you get a huge three-cash payout. That’ll net you about $500,000~. The problem is? That’s pretty rare, so you’ll need to save up some cash before attempting this.
Moxxi's Endowment Bl3
I recommend using the Tink Hijinx and Cash Trap machines. They’re right next to each other, and you can keep spinning forever. Goodluck out there Vault Hunters, there’s plenty of cash just waiting to collect.
Moxxi Slot Machine
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