Driving distance from SAN to Lawrence Welk Resort Village, CA
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The total driving distance from SAN to Lawrence Welk Resort Village, CA is 41 miles or 66 kilometers.
Driving distance from NZY to Lawrence Welk Resort Village, CA. The total driving distance from NZY to Lawrence Welk Resort Village, CA is 49 miles or 79 kilometers. Your trip begins at Naval Air Station. Adjacent to The Oaks Course, Welk Resorts San Diego is one of the top choices for your stay based on our traveller data, and this 3.5-star hotel offers 7 outdoor pools and a full-service spa. Other good options close by include Villas On The Greens At The Welk Resort and Welk Resort - Mountain Villa - San Diego Area - 2bd/2ba Suite.
Your trip begins at San Diego International Airport in San Diego, California. It ends in Lawrence Welk Resort Village, California.
If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from SAN to Lawrence Welk Resort Village, CAso you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.
You can also calculate the cost of driving from SAN to Lawrence Welk Resort Village, CA based on currentlocal fuel prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.
If you're meeting a friend, you might be interested in finding the city that is halfway between SAN and Lawrence Welk Resort Village, CA.

Planning to fly a plane instead? You might be moreinterested in calculating the straight linedistance to fly from SAN to Lawrence Welk Resort Village, CA.
San Diego International Airport
City:San Diego

Zip code:92101
Country:United States
Category: airports
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Lawrence Welk Resort Village, California
City:Lawrence Welk Resort VillageState:California
Welks Resort Location
United StatesCategory: cities
related links
Closest Casino To Lawrence Welk Resorts
Driving distance calculator
Closest Casino To Lawrence Welk Resort Reservations
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